For Academics/ Research Help
AP Source - AP Source is a database created to help students in Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. This database has over 4,200 full text academic journals and magazines with articles, photos, and maps meant to help with a variety of research topics.
Britannica School - Britannica School contains academic resources for elementary, middle, and high school students. Alongside interesting fast facts that update daily, users of this database can also find helpful articles to aid in researching a wide variety of subjects.
Explora for Middle and High School Students - Explora for Middle and High School is specially designed for middle and high school student needs. With their collection of books, scholarly articles, reviews, and videos, students can use this database to help with researching for school reports and projects. Users can also create an account to save helpful resources in one place.
Khan Academy - Khan Academy provides instructional videos and practice exercises for many different subjects to help users build skills for higher education and future careers. Whether someone wants to learn a new skill or needs help in school subjects, this free resource allows students to work at their own pace to gain knowledge in whatever subject they please.
LearningExpress Library - LearningExpress Library is an online test prep and career system that provides resources for college and career readiness; preparation tools for the ACT, SAT, and GED; and subject skill practice for core courses like math, science, social studies, reading, and writing.
Literary Reference Center - Literary Reference Center is for all things literature, including poetry, short stories, fiction, author biographies, and literary criticism. This resource has full-text copies of some classic literature, as well as discussions of books and authors from different genres and time periods. There are also helpful citation instructions and research and writing tips for students.
New York Times - The New York Times has articles on recent news, media reviews, opinion pieces, and so much more. Create a free account for 72 hour unlimited access to the digital version of The New York Times using the link. If you are accessing the New York Times from home, use the instructions located here: https://www.mcfarlandlibrary.org/library-databases-and-online-resources
NoveList - NoveList is a free resource to learn more about middle grade and young adult literature. Need a new read? Find new recommended books based on genre, author, or popular reads like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter.
Wisconsin Media Lab - Wisconsin Media Lab is an educational resource created by PBS Wisconsin. This website has videos for a wide variety of topics and age groups, including Wisconsin-specific history and figures. Each video also includes the appropriate grade level and school subject for additional help in finding the right resource for you.
General Resources
Arts and Cultures - Google Arts & Culture is for all things art. This database has a collection of art from different time periods, places, and mediums, and opportunities to discover new art through different subject matter and colors. The website also provides users with information about artistic influences, artist biographies, and cultural events. Explore new places, cultures, and visual art for free!
DoSomething - “DoSomething is the leading hub for youth-centered activism and service. We educate and equip young people to create the future they want to see – one built around equity & justice, climate & sustainability, and safety & wellbeing.” Users can join campaigns that they are passionate about, make new petitions to spark change, and use the website's resources to take action in their community.
Coursera - “Coursera is an educational site that allows users to take college classes from highly ranked universities for free. If there’s an unconventional topic you are interested in, such as dog emotion, behavioral finance, cryptography, extinction, and many, many others, register for free and take the courses of your dreams.”
Creative Bug - Creative Bug provides unlimited access to thousands of arts and crafts online video classes for all ability levels. Watch anytime, anywhere, on any device using your South Central Library System library card! Get inspired and start making!
Curiosity Machine - “Curiosity Machine has a wide range of technology and science-based challenges created to allow users to understand the way things work and to be creative in solving problems. For each challenge, you are encouraged to post your design challenge progress and reflect on the final design after you complete it.”
Duolingo - Duolingo is a free and easy to use language learning app. Users practice word repetition and use games to learn as many new languages as they want, including fictional languages like High Valyrian and Klingon.
Hoopla - “Borrow movies, music, audiobooks, e-books, comics, and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone--even your TV! Download it from Google Play, iTunes, or Amazon app store.”
Libby, by Overdrive - “Borrow e-books, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone, tablet, computer, or Kindle using the Libby app. All you need is your library card! Check out the Libby Basics tip sheet or visit the Libby Help page for help getting started. Have a specific issue? Overdrive has created how-to videos to walk you through using various e-readers, placing holds, and more.”
Scratch - “Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations” Learn how to use computer code for free on this easy-to-use website.
TeenInk Magazine - TeenInk is an online magazine with articles written by teens for teens. Magazine articles appeal to the many different needs and interests of teens all over the world, including both fiction and nonfiction books.
Transparent Language - Transparent Language is a language learning software that is free for those who have a South Central Library System library card. This website provides an effective and engaging experience for learning over 110 languages. It can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on almost any device.
Health and Wellness Resources
JED Foundation - “The Jed Foundation’s Mental Health Resource Center provides essential information about common emotional health issues and shows teens and young adults how they can support one another, overcome challenges and make a successful transition to adulthood.”
Live Another Day - Live Another Day provides help finding local mental and physical health resources for users of all ages. The website also has a carefully curated list of mental health, substance use, and social support resources for black, indigenous, and people of color.
NAMI website resources - “NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all individuals and family affected by mental illness can build better lives.”
National Suicide Hotline - 24-hour, confidential hotlines that connect you to a trained counselor at the nearest suicide crisis center. You can reach them at 1-800-273-8255 or 1-800-784-2433.
Teen Talk - Teen Talk is a Youth Health Education Program and provides services for youth from a harm reduction and prevention education perspective. The website provides articles curated by health experts on sexuality, reproductive health, body image, substance use awareness, mental health, issues of diversity and anti-violence issues.
The Trevor Project - “The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.” You can call the TrevorLifeline at 1-866-488-7386, you can chat online through IM with a Trevor counselor, or text a Trevor Counselor at any time of the day, any day of the year.
McFarland Community Resources
Food Pantry - McFarland Food Pantry provides free food and household essentials for any individuals and families within the McFarland School District who need them.
McFarland Historical Society - McFarland Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the heritage of McFarland. Their website has articles and exhibit information with information about McFarland history.
McFarland Youth Center - “McFarland Youth Center is a free, non-profit youth enrichment program for middle school youth (6th through 8th grade) in the McFarland area. We offer a free space for youth recreational activities, daily hands-on programming, clubs, and volunteer opportunities!”
McFarland School District - Find information about school schedules and events for the McFarland area here!
RADAR Coalition - McFarland RADAR Coalition provides resources and events for substance and alcohol misuse education in the McFarland area.
Village of McFarland Event Calendar - Find information about library events, community events, and village meetings all in one place.