Lon Haldeman: Cycling Pioneer

Lon Haldeman, a Hall of Fame ultra distance bicycle racer, is coming to E.D. Locke to share his story and his new book.  The program is Thursday, January 30, 6:30-7:30 PM in the Library Community Room.
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E.D. Locke Public Library, 5920 Milwaukee St, McFarland, WI 53558

Join us as Lon Haldeman, current record holder for bicycling across the United States, presents his cycling history. Lon's achievements have left a tremendous impact on the world of ultra distance bicycle racing, and he has recently written a book detailing his life of cycling. We are honored to have him share his story with us!

Copies of Lon's book will be available for purchase.

Sara Hendrickson, 608-838-9030